Deep Listening

Take a digital sound bath with music specifically designed for meditation, healing, sleep, calm, and more.

Infinitely Evolving

We take simple music elements and weave together unique soundscapes, called flows, every time you listen.

Sound Refuge

Regulate your nervous system. Nurture presence and stillness with sounds that connect you to something deeper.

Liminal Flow is dedicated to high-quality generative and adaptive music for meditation, sleep, healing, relaxation, and more.

The space in-between is liminal: between light and dark, sleep and waking, and our inner and outer worlds. It is the threshold of change and transformation where something and nothing converge to create possibility.

In a flow state we are in the present moment completely and connected to our beingness. Our energy is moving through and unfolding our presence in the world with ease and mastery. 

Liminal Flow is that tension between the silence and the sound, where the resonance of creation and unfoldment happens.

We have created a new generative and adaptive audio engine called Flow, powered by a new scripting language called Liminal. Music is written in liminal, where it is not quite code and not quite music, but designed for creating non-linear and adaptive sound compositions. The audio engine takes this substance and governs the rules by which it unfolds into an existence that is perpetually evolving.